import keras
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# import nibabel as nib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K 

# import util
# from public_tests import *
# from test_utils import *
import nibabel as nib
import tensorflow as tf

import src.utils.xraypp as xraypp
import src.utils.plotter as pltter
import src.utils.batchgenerator as dg
import src.utils.models as dl_models

0.1. Initialize the xray preprocessor object

HOME_DIR_2D = "./data/nih/images-small/"
train_df = pd.read_csv("./data/nih/train-small.csv")
valid_df = pd.read_csv("./data/nih/valid-small.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv("./data/nih/test.csv")
labels = ['Cardiomegaly', 
xray_pp_obj = xraypp.XrayPP(
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Initializing the Medical Image Preprocessor Class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - ComputeStats: Initializing the Compute Stats Class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Initializing the X-ray image preprocessing class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Initializing the X-ray image preprocessing class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Image Directory: data/nih/images-small
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389902 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Image Directory: data/nih/images-small
dg_xray = xray_pp_obj.get_generator(batch_size=32, num_channels=2)
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389903 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Initializing the Data Generator For Training, Testing and Validation generators
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389903 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Initializing the Data Generator For Training, Testing and Validation generators
Found 1000 validated image filenames.
Found 1000 validated image filenames.
Found 200 validated image filenames.
Found 420 validated image filenames.
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389904 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Updating the kwargs for 2D model
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389904 PM - INFO - XrayPP: Updating the kwargs for 2D model

{'data_frames': {'train_df':                 Image  Atelectasis  Cardiomegaly  Consolidation  Edema  \
  0    00008270_015.png            0             0              0      0   
  1    00029855_001.png            1             0              0      0   
  2    00001297_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  3    00012359_002.png            0             0              0      0   
  4    00017951_001.png            0             0              0      0   
  ..                ...          ...           ...            ...    ...   
  995  00015869_010.png            0             0              0      0   
  996  00020113_005.png            0             0              0      0   
  997  00019939_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  998  00030496_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  999  00012363_002.png            0             0              0      0   
       Effusion  Emphysema  Fibrosis  Hernia  Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  \
  0           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  1           1          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  2           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  3           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  4           0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  ..        ...        ...       ...     ...           ...   ...     ...   
  995         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  996         1          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  997         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  998         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  999         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
       PatientId  Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Pneumothorax  
  0         8270                   0          0             0  
  1        29855                   0          0             0  
  2         1297                   1          0             0  
  3        12359                   0          0             0  
  4        17951                   0          0             0  
  ..         ...                 ...        ...           ...  
  995      15869                   0          0             0  
  996      20113                   0          0             0  
  997      19939                   0          0             0  
  998      30496                   0          0             0  
  999      12363                   0          0             0  
  [1000 rows x 16 columns],
  'valid_df':                 Image  Atelectasis  Cardiomegaly  Consolidation  Edema  \
  0    00008270_015.png            0             0              0      0   
  1    00029855_001.png            1             0              0      0   
  2    00001297_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  3    00012359_002.png            0             0              0      0   
  4    00017951_001.png            0             0              0      0   
  ..                ...          ...           ...            ...    ...   
  195  00025695_017.png            0             0              0      0   
  196  00029454_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  197  00020213_004.png            0             0              0      0   
  198  00003272_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  199  00001108_004.png            1             0              0      0   
       Effusion  Emphysema  Fibrosis  Hernia  Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  \
  0           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  1           1          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  2           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  3           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  4           0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  ..        ...        ...       ...     ...           ...   ...     ...   
  195         1          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  196         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  197         0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  198         0          0         0       1             0     0       0   
  199         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
       PatientId  Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Pneumothorax  
  0         8270                   0          0             0  
  1        29855                   0          0             0  
  2         1297                   1          0             0  
  3        12359                   0          0             0  
  4        17951                   0          0             0  
  ..         ...                 ...        ...           ...  
  195      25695                   0          0             1  
  196      29454                   0          0             0  
  197      20213                   0          0             0  
  198       3272                   0          0             0  
  199       1108                   0          1             0  
  [200 rows x 16 columns],
  'test_df':                 Image  PatientId  Cardiomegaly  Emphysema  Effusion  Hernia  \
  0    00021463_005.png      21463             0          0         1       1   
  1    00019733_002.png      19733             0          0         0       1   
  2    00021463_001.png      21463             0          0         0       1   
  3    00017136_020.png      17136             0          0         0       1   
  4    00027477_000.png      27477             0          0         0       1   
  ..                ...        ...           ...        ...       ...     ...   
  415  00010497_000.png      10497             0          0         0       0   
  416  00017262_001.png      17262             0          0         0       0   
  417  00021653_000.png      21653             0          0         0       0   
  418  00017243_001.png      17243             0          0         0       0   
  419  00016142_013.png      16142             0          0         0       0   
       Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  Atelectasis  Pneumothorax  \
  0               1     0       0            1             0   
  1               0     0       0            1             0   
  2               0     0       0            0             0   
  3               0     0       0            0             0   
  4               1     0       0            0             0   
  ..            ...   ...     ...          ...           ...   
  415             0     1       0            0             0   
  416             0     1       0            0             0   
  417             0     1       0            0             0   
  418             0     1       0            0             1   
  419             1     1       0            1             0   
       Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Fibrosis  Edema  Consolidation  
  0                     0          0         0      1              0  
  1                     0          0         0      0              0  
  2                     0          0         0      0              0  
  3                     0          0         0      0              0  
  4                     0          0         0      0              0  
  ..                  ...        ...       ...    ...            ...  
  415                   0          0         0      0              0  
  416                   0          0         0      0              0  
  417                   1          0         0      0              0  
  418                   1          0         0      0              0  
  419                   1          0         0      0              0  
  [420 rows x 16 columns]},
 'batch_size': 32,
 'dim': (320, 320, 16),
 'num_channels': 2,
 'num_classes': 14,
 'shuffle': False,
 'x_col': 'Image',
 'y_cols': ['Cardiomegaly',
 'train_generator': None,
 'test_generator': None,
 'valid_generator': None,
 'labels': ['Cardiomegaly',
 'pos_weights': None,
 'neg_weights': None,
 'orig_x': 240,
 'orig_y': 240,
 'orig_z': 155,
 'output_x': 160,
 'output_y': 160,
 'output_z': 16,
 'max_tries': 1000,
 'background_threshold': 0.95,
 'model_2d_or_3d': '2D'}
{'data_frames': {'train_df':                 Image  Atelectasis  Cardiomegaly  Consolidation  Edema  \
  0    00008270_015.png            0             0              0      0   
  1    00029855_001.png            1             0              0      0   
  2    00001297_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  3    00012359_002.png            0             0              0      0   
  4    00017951_001.png            0             0              0      0   
  ..                ...          ...           ...            ...    ...   
  995  00015869_010.png            0             0              0      0   
  996  00020113_005.png            0             0              0      0   
  997  00019939_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  998  00030496_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  999  00012363_002.png            0             0              0      0   
       Effusion  Emphysema  Fibrosis  Hernia  Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  \
  0           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  1           1          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  2           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  3           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  4           0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  ..        ...        ...       ...     ...           ...   ...     ...   
  995         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  996         1          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  997         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  998         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  999         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
       PatientId  Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Pneumothorax  
  0         8270                   0          0             0  
  1        29855                   0          0             0  
  2         1297                   1          0             0  
  3        12359                   0          0             0  
  4        17951                   0          0             0  
  ..         ...                 ...        ...           ...  
  995      15869                   0          0             0  
  996      20113                   0          0             0  
  997      19939                   0          0             0  
  998      30496                   0          0             0  
  999      12363                   0          0             0  
  [1000 rows x 16 columns],
  'valid_df':                 Image  Atelectasis  Cardiomegaly  Consolidation  Edema  \
  0    00008270_015.png            0             0              0      0   
  1    00029855_001.png            1             0              0      0   
  2    00001297_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  3    00012359_002.png            0             0              0      0   
  4    00017951_001.png            0             0              0      0   
  ..                ...          ...           ...            ...    ...   
  195  00025695_017.png            0             0              0      0   
  196  00029454_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  197  00020213_004.png            0             0              0      0   
  198  00003272_000.png            0             0              0      0   
  199  00001108_004.png            1             0              0      0   
       Effusion  Emphysema  Fibrosis  Hernia  Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  \
  0           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  1           1          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  2           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  3           0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  4           0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  ..        ...        ...       ...     ...           ...   ...     ...   
  195         1          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  196         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
  197         0          0         0       0             1     0       0   
  198         0          0         0       1             0     0       0   
  199         0          0         0       0             0     0       0   
       PatientId  Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Pneumothorax  
  0         8270                   0          0             0  
  1        29855                   0          0             0  
  2         1297                   1          0             0  
  3        12359                   0          0             0  
  4        17951                   0          0             0  
  ..         ...                 ...        ...           ...  
  195      25695                   0          0             1  
  196      29454                   0          0             0  
  197      20213                   0          0             0  
  198       3272                   0          0             0  
  199       1108                   0          1             0  
  [200 rows x 16 columns],
  'test_df':                 Image  PatientId  Cardiomegaly  Emphysema  Effusion  Hernia  \
  0    00021463_005.png      21463             0          0         1       1   
  1    00019733_002.png      19733             0          0         0       1   
  2    00021463_001.png      21463             0          0         0       1   
  3    00017136_020.png      17136             0          0         0       1   
  4    00027477_000.png      27477             0          0         0       1   
  ..                ...        ...           ...        ...       ...     ...   
  415  00010497_000.png      10497             0          0         0       0   
  416  00017262_001.png      17262             0          0         0       0   
  417  00021653_000.png      21653             0          0         0       0   
  418  00017243_001.png      17243             0          0         0       0   
  419  00016142_013.png      16142             0          0         0       0   
       Infiltration  Mass  Nodule  Atelectasis  Pneumothorax  \
  0               1     0       0            1             0   
  1               0     0       0            1             0   
  2               0     0       0            0             0   
  3               0     0       0            0             0   
  4               1     0       0            0             0   
  ..            ...   ...     ...          ...           ...   
  415             0     1       0            0             0   
  416             0     1       0            0             0   
  417             0     1       0            0             0   
  418             0     1       0            0             1   
  419             1     1       0            1             0   
       Pleural_Thickening  Pneumonia  Fibrosis  Edema  Consolidation  
  0                     0          0         0      1              0  
  1                     0          0         0      0              0  
  2                     0          0         0      0              0  
  3                     0          0         0      0              0  
  4                     0          0         0      0              0  
  ..                  ...        ...       ...    ...            ...  
  415                   0          0         0      0              0  
  416                   0          0         0      0              0  
  417                   1          0         0      0              0  
  418                   1          0         0      0              0  
  419                   1          0         0      0              0  
  [420 rows x 16 columns]},
 'batch_size': 32,
 'dim': (320, 320, 16),
 'num_channels': 2,
 'num_classes': 14,
 'shuffle': False,
 'x_col': 'Image',
 'y_cols': ['Cardiomegaly',
 'train_generator': None,
 'test_generator': None,
 'valid_generator': None,
 'labels': ['Cardiomegaly',
 'pos_weights': None,
 'neg_weights': None,
 'orig_x': 240,
 'orig_y': 240,
 'orig_z': 155,
 'output_x': 160,
 'output_y': 160,
 'output_z': 16,
 'max_tries': 1000,
 'background_threshold': 0.95,
 'model_2d_or_3d': '2D'}
train_generator = dg_xray.get_train_generator()
valid_generator, test_generator = dg_xray.get_test_and_valid_generator()
Found 1000 validated image filenames.
Found 1000 validated image filenames.
Found 200 validated image filenames.
Found 420 validated image filenames.
x, y = train_generator.__getitem__(0)
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).


1.0. Applying DenseNet Model using models and compute stats modules to imbalanced Chest X-Ray Datasets

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from keras.applications.densenet import DenseNet121
from keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D
from keras.models import Model
from keras import backend as K

from keras.models import load_model

# import util
# from public_tests import *
# from test_utils import *

import tensorflow as tf

1.1. Get contributions and frequencies of positive, negative classes using training data

model_obj = dl_models.DLModels(model_2d_dir='./models/nih/densenet.hdf5', model_3d_dir='./models/pretrained_model.h5', pre_trained_wts='./models/nih/pretrained_model.h5')
labels = xray_pp_obj.labels
freq_pos, freq_neg = model_obj.cs.compute_class_freqs(train_generator.labels)
pos_neg_dict = model_obj.cs.calc_pos_neg_weights(freq_pos=freq_pos, freq_neg=freq_neg)

06/04//2024 01:21:1712389910 PM - INFO - DLModels: Initializing the Deep Learning Model Class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389910 PM - INFO - ComputeStats: Initializing the Compute Stats Class
06/04//2024 01:21:1712389910 PM - INFO - ComputeStats: Initializing the Compute Stats Class
# Create DataFrame for positive values
pos_data = pd.DataFrame({"Class": labels, "Label": "Positive", "Value": freq_pos})

# Create DataFrame for negative values
neg_data = pd.DataFrame([{"Class": labels[l], "Label": "Negative", "Value": v} for l, v in enumerate(freq_neg)])

# Concatenate positive and negative data
data = pd.concat([pos_data, neg_data], ignore_index=True)

# Plot data
f = sns.barplot(x="Class", y="Value", hue="Label", data=data)
f.set_title('Class distribution Before Balancing')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Class distribution Before Balancing')


# Create DataFrame for positive contributions
pos_data = pd.DataFrame({"Class": labels, "Label": "Positive", "Value": pos_neg_dict['pos_contribution'] })

# Create DataFrame for negative contributions
neg_data = pd.DataFrame([{"Class": labels[l], "Label": "Negative", "Value": v} for l, v in enumerate(pos_neg_dict['neg_contribution'])])

# Concatenate positive and negative contributions
data = pd.concat([pos_data, neg_data], ignore_index=True)

# Plot data
g = sns.barplot(x="Class", y="Value", hue="Label" ,data=data);
g.set_title('Class distribution After Balancing')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Class distribution After Balancing')


1.2. Get DenseNet Model Summary

kwargs = {
        'test_generator': test_generator,
        'labels': labels,
        'pos_weights': pos_neg_dict['pos_weights'],
        'neg_weights': pos_neg_dict['neg_weights'],

model_2d = model_obj.weighted_dense_net_model_2d(**kwargs)
Model: "model"
 Layer (type)                   Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
 input_1 (InputLayer)           [(None, None, None,  0           []                               
 zero_padding2d (ZeroPadding2D)  (None, None, None,   0          ['input_1[0][0]']                
 conv1/conv (Conv2D)            (None, None, None,   9408        ['zero_padding2d[0][0]']         
 conv1/bn (BatchNormalization)  (None, None, None,   256         ['conv1/conv[0][0]']             
 conv1/relu (Activation)        (None, None, None,   0           ['conv1/bn[0][0]']               
 zero_padding2d_1 (ZeroPadding2  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv1/relu[0][0]']             
 D)                             64)                                                               
 pool1 (MaxPooling2D)           (None, None, None,   0           ['zero_padding2d_1[0][0]']       
 conv2_block1_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   256        ['pool1[0][0]']                  
 ization)                       64)                                                               
 conv2_block1_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block1_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             64)                                                               
 conv2_block1_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   8192        ['conv2_block1_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block1_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block1_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block1_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block1_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block1_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block1_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block1_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['pool1[0][0]',                  
 te)                            96)                               'conv2_block1_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv2_block2_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   384        ['conv2_block1_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       96)                                                               
 conv2_block2_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block2_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             96)                                                               
 conv2_block2_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   12288       ['conv2_block2_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block2_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block2_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block2_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block2_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block2_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block2_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block2_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block1_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            128)                              'conv2_block2_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv2_block3_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block2_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block3_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block3_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block3_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   16384       ['conv2_block3_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block3_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block3_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block3_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block3_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block3_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block3_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block3_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block2_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            160)                              'conv2_block3_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv2_block4_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   640        ['conv2_block3_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       160)                                                              
 conv2_block4_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block4_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             160)                                                              
 conv2_block4_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   20480       ['conv2_block4_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block4_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block4_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block4_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block4_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block4_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block4_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block4_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block3_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            192)                              'conv2_block4_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv2_block5_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   768        ['conv2_block4_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       192)                                                              
 conv2_block5_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block5_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             192)                                                              
 conv2_block5_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   24576       ['conv2_block5_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block5_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block5_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block5_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block5_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block5_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block5_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block5_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block4_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            224)                              'conv2_block5_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv2_block6_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   896        ['conv2_block5_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       224)                                                              
 conv2_block6_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block6_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             224)                                                              
 conv2_block6_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   28672       ['conv2_block6_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block6_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv2_block6_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv2_block6_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block6_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv2_block6_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv2_block6_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv2_block6_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv2_block5_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            256)                              'conv2_block6_2_conv[0][0]']    
 pool2_bn (BatchNormalization)  (None, None, None,   1024        ['conv2_block6_concat[0][0]']    
 pool2_relu (Activation)        (None, None, None,   0           ['pool2_bn[0][0]']               
 pool2_conv (Conv2D)            (None, None, None,   32768       ['pool2_relu[0][0]']             
 pool2_pool (AveragePooling2D)  (None, None, None,   0           ['pool2_conv[0][0]']             
 conv3_block1_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['pool2_pool[0][0]']             
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block1_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block1_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block1_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   16384       ['conv3_block1_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block1_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block1_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block1_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block1_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block1_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block1_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block1_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['pool2_pool[0][0]',             
 te)                            160)                              'conv3_block1_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block2_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   640        ['conv3_block1_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       160)                                                              
 conv3_block2_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block2_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             160)                                                              
 conv3_block2_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   20480       ['conv3_block2_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block2_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block2_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block2_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block2_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block2_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block2_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block2_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block1_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            192)                              'conv3_block2_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block3_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   768        ['conv3_block2_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       192)                                                              
 conv3_block3_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block3_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             192)                                                              
 conv3_block3_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   24576       ['conv3_block3_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block3_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block3_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block3_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block3_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block3_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block3_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block3_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block2_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            224)                              'conv3_block3_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block4_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   896        ['conv3_block3_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       224)                                                              
 conv3_block4_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block4_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             224)                                                              
 conv3_block4_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   28672       ['conv3_block4_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block4_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block4_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block4_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block4_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block4_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block4_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block4_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block3_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            256)                              'conv3_block4_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block5_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1024       ['conv3_block4_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       256)                                                              
 conv3_block5_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block5_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             256)                                                              
 conv3_block5_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   32768       ['conv3_block5_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block5_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block5_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block5_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block5_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block5_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block5_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block5_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block4_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            288)                              'conv3_block5_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block6_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1152       ['conv3_block5_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       288)                                                              
 conv3_block6_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block6_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             288)                                                              
 conv3_block6_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block6_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block6_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block6_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block6_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block6_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block6_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block6_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block6_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block5_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            320)                              'conv3_block6_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block7_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1280       ['conv3_block6_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       320)                                                              
 conv3_block7_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block7_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             320)                                                              
 conv3_block7_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   40960       ['conv3_block7_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block7_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block7_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block7_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block7_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block7_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block7_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block7_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block6_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            352)                              'conv3_block7_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block8_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1408       ['conv3_block7_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       352)                                                              
 conv3_block8_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block8_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             352)                                                              
 conv3_block8_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   45056       ['conv3_block8_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block8_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block8_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block8_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block8_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block8_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block8_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block8_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block7_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            384)                              'conv3_block8_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block9_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1536       ['conv3_block8_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       384)                                                              
 conv3_block9_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block9_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             384)                                                              
 conv3_block9_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   49152       ['conv3_block9_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block9_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block9_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv3_block9_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block9_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv3_block9_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block9_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv3_block9_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block8_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            416)                              'conv3_block9_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv3_block10_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   1664       ['conv3_block9_concat[0][0]']    
 lization)                      416)                                                              
 conv3_block10_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block10_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            416)                                                              
 conv3_block10_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   53248       ['conv3_block10_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block10_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block10_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv3_block10_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block10_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv3_block10_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block10_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block10_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block9_concat[0][0]',    
 ate)                           448)                              'conv3_block10_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv3_block11_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   1792       ['conv3_block10_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      448)                                                              
 conv3_block11_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block11_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            448)                                                              
 conv3_block11_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   57344       ['conv3_block11_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block11_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block11_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv3_block11_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block11_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv3_block11_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block11_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block11_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block10_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           480)                              'conv3_block11_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv3_block12_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   1920       ['conv3_block11_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      480)                                                              
 conv3_block12_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block12_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            480)                                                              
 conv3_block12_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   61440       ['conv3_block12_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block12_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv3_block12_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv3_block12_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block12_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv3_block12_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv3_block12_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv3_block12_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv3_block11_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           512)                              'conv3_block12_2_conv[0][0]']   
 pool3_bn (BatchNormalization)  (None, None, None,   2048        ['conv3_block12_concat[0][0]']   
 pool3_relu (Activation)        (None, None, None,   0           ['pool3_bn[0][0]']               
 pool3_conv (Conv2D)            (None, None, None,   131072      ['pool3_relu[0][0]']             
 pool3_pool (AveragePooling2D)  (None, None, None,   0           ['pool3_conv[0][0]']             
 conv4_block1_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1024       ['pool3_pool[0][0]']             
 ization)                       256)                                                              
 conv4_block1_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block1_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             256)                                                              
 conv4_block1_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   32768       ['conv4_block1_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block1_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block1_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block1_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block1_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block1_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block1_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block1_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['pool3_pool[0][0]',             
 te)                            288)                              'conv4_block1_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block2_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1152       ['conv4_block1_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       288)                                                              
 conv4_block2_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block2_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             288)                                                              
 conv4_block2_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block2_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block2_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block2_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block2_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block2_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block2_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block2_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block2_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block1_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            320)                              'conv4_block2_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block3_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1280       ['conv4_block2_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       320)                                                              
 conv4_block3_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block3_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             320)                                                              
 conv4_block3_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   40960       ['conv4_block3_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block3_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block3_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block3_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block3_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block3_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block3_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block3_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block2_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            352)                              'conv4_block3_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block4_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1408       ['conv4_block3_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       352)                                                              
 conv4_block4_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block4_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             352)                                                              
 conv4_block4_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   45056       ['conv4_block4_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block4_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block4_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block4_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block4_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block4_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block4_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block4_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block3_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            384)                              'conv4_block4_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block5_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1536       ['conv4_block4_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       384)                                                              
 conv4_block5_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block5_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             384)                                                              
 conv4_block5_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   49152       ['conv4_block5_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block5_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block5_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block5_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block5_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block5_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block5_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block5_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block4_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            416)                              'conv4_block5_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block6_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1664       ['conv4_block5_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       416)                                                              
 conv4_block6_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block6_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             416)                                                              
 conv4_block6_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   53248       ['conv4_block6_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block6_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block6_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block6_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block6_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block6_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block6_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block6_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block5_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            448)                              'conv4_block6_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block7_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1792       ['conv4_block6_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       448)                                                              
 conv4_block7_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block7_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             448)                                                              
 conv4_block7_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   57344       ['conv4_block7_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block7_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block7_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block7_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block7_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block7_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block7_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block7_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block6_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            480)                              'conv4_block7_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block8_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   1920       ['conv4_block7_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       480)                                                              
 conv4_block8_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block8_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             480)                                                              
 conv4_block8_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   61440       ['conv4_block8_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block8_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block8_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block8_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block8_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block8_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block8_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block8_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block7_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            512)                              'conv4_block8_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block9_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2048       ['conv4_block8_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       512)                                                              
 conv4_block9_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block9_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             512)                                                              
 conv4_block9_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   65536       ['conv4_block9_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block9_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block9_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv4_block9_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block9_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv4_block9_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block9_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv4_block9_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block8_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            544)                              'conv4_block9_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv4_block10_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2176       ['conv4_block9_concat[0][0]']    
 lization)                      544)                                                              
 conv4_block10_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block10_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            544)                                                              
 conv4_block10_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   69632       ['conv4_block10_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block10_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block10_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block10_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block10_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block10_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block10_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block10_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block9_concat[0][0]',    
 ate)                           576)                              'conv4_block10_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block11_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2304       ['conv4_block10_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      576)                                                              
 conv4_block11_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block11_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            576)                                                              
 conv4_block11_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   73728       ['conv4_block11_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block11_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block11_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block11_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block11_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block11_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block11_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block11_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block10_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           608)                              'conv4_block11_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block12_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2432       ['conv4_block11_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      608)                                                              
 conv4_block12_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block12_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            608)                                                              
 conv4_block12_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   77824       ['conv4_block12_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block12_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block12_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block12_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block12_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block12_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block12_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block12_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block11_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           640)                              'conv4_block12_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block13_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2560       ['conv4_block12_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      640)                                                              
 conv4_block13_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block13_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            640)                                                              
 conv4_block13_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   81920       ['conv4_block13_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block13_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block13_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block13_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block13_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block13_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block13_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block13_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block12_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           672)                              'conv4_block13_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block14_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2688       ['conv4_block13_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      672)                                                              
 conv4_block14_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block14_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            672)                                                              
 conv4_block14_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   86016       ['conv4_block14_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block14_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block14_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block14_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block14_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block14_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block14_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block14_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block13_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           704)                              'conv4_block14_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block15_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2816       ['conv4_block14_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      704)                                                              
 conv4_block15_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block15_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            704)                                                              
 conv4_block15_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   90112       ['conv4_block15_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block15_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block15_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block15_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block15_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block15_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block15_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block15_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block14_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           736)                              'conv4_block15_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block16_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   2944       ['conv4_block15_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      736)                                                              
 conv4_block16_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block16_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            736)                                                              
 conv4_block16_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   94208       ['conv4_block16_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block16_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block16_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block16_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block16_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block16_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block16_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block16_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block15_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           768)                              'conv4_block16_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block17_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3072       ['conv4_block16_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      768)                                                              
 conv4_block17_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block17_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            768)                                                              
 conv4_block17_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   98304       ['conv4_block17_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block17_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block17_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block17_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block17_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block17_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block17_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block17_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block16_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           800)                              'conv4_block17_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block18_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3200       ['conv4_block17_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      800)                                                              
 conv4_block18_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block18_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            800)                                                              
 conv4_block18_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   102400      ['conv4_block18_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block18_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block18_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block18_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block18_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block18_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block18_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block18_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block17_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           832)                              'conv4_block18_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block19_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3328       ['conv4_block18_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      832)                                                              
 conv4_block19_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block19_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            832)                                                              
 conv4_block19_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   106496      ['conv4_block19_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block19_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block19_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block19_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block19_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block19_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block19_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block19_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block18_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           864)                              'conv4_block19_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block20_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3456       ['conv4_block19_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      864)                                                              
 conv4_block20_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block20_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            864)                                                              
 conv4_block20_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   110592      ['conv4_block20_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block20_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block20_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block20_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block20_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block20_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block20_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block20_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block19_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           896)                              'conv4_block20_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block21_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3584       ['conv4_block20_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      896)                                                              
 conv4_block21_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block21_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            896)                                                              
 conv4_block21_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   114688      ['conv4_block21_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block21_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block21_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block21_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block21_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block21_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block21_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block21_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block20_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           928)                              'conv4_block21_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block22_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3712       ['conv4_block21_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      928)                                                              
 conv4_block22_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block22_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            928)                                                              
 conv4_block22_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   118784      ['conv4_block22_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block22_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block22_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block22_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block22_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block22_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block22_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block22_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block21_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           960)                              'conv4_block22_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block23_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3840       ['conv4_block22_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      960)                                                              
 conv4_block23_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block23_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            960)                                                              
 conv4_block23_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   122880      ['conv4_block23_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block23_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block23_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block23_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block23_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block23_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block23_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block23_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block22_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           992)                              'conv4_block23_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv4_block24_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3968       ['conv4_block23_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      992)                                                              
 conv4_block24_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block24_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            992)                                                              
 conv4_block24_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   126976      ['conv4_block24_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block24_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv4_block24_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv4_block24_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block24_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv4_block24_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv4_block24_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv4_block24_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv4_block23_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           1024)                             'conv4_block24_2_conv[0][0]']   
 pool4_bn (BatchNormalization)  (None, None, None,   4096        ['conv4_block24_concat[0][0]']   
 pool4_relu (Activation)        (None, None, None,   0           ['pool4_bn[0][0]']               
 pool4_conv (Conv2D)            (None, None, None,   524288      ['pool4_relu[0][0]']             
 pool4_pool (AveragePooling2D)  (None, None, None,   0           ['pool4_conv[0][0]']             
 conv5_block1_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2048       ['pool4_pool[0][0]']             
 ization)                       512)                                                              
 conv5_block1_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block1_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             512)                                                              
 conv5_block1_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   65536       ['conv5_block1_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block1_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block1_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block1_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block1_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block1_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block1_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block1_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['pool4_pool[0][0]',             
 te)                            544)                              'conv5_block1_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block2_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2176       ['conv5_block1_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       544)                                                              
 conv5_block2_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block2_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             544)                                                              
 conv5_block2_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   69632       ['conv5_block2_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block2_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block2_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block2_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block2_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block2_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block2_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block2_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block1_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            576)                              'conv5_block2_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block3_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2304       ['conv5_block2_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       576)                                                              
 conv5_block3_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block3_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             576)                                                              
 conv5_block3_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   73728       ['conv5_block3_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block3_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block3_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block3_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block3_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block3_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block3_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block3_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block2_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            608)                              'conv5_block3_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block4_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2432       ['conv5_block3_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       608)                                                              
 conv5_block4_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block4_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             608)                                                              
 conv5_block4_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   77824       ['conv5_block4_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block4_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block4_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block4_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block4_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block4_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block4_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block4_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block3_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            640)                              'conv5_block4_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block5_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2560       ['conv5_block4_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       640)                                                              
 conv5_block5_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block5_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             640)                                                              
 conv5_block5_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   81920       ['conv5_block5_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block5_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block5_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block5_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block5_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block5_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block5_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block5_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block4_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            672)                              'conv5_block5_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block6_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2688       ['conv5_block5_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       672)                                                              
 conv5_block6_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block6_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             672)                                                              
 conv5_block6_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   86016       ['conv5_block6_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block6_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block6_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block6_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block6_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block6_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block6_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block6_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block5_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            704)                              'conv5_block6_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block7_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2816       ['conv5_block6_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       704)                                                              
 conv5_block7_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block7_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             704)                                                              
 conv5_block7_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   90112       ['conv5_block7_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block7_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block7_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block7_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block7_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block7_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block7_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block7_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block6_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            736)                              'conv5_block7_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block8_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   2944       ['conv5_block7_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       736)                                                              
 conv5_block8_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block8_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             736)                                                              
 conv5_block8_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   94208       ['conv5_block8_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block8_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block8_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block8_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block8_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block8_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block8_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block8_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block7_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            768)                              'conv5_block8_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block9_0_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   3072       ['conv5_block8_concat[0][0]']    
 ization)                       768)                                                              
 conv5_block9_0_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block9_0_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             768)                                                              
 conv5_block9_1_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   98304       ['conv5_block9_0_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block9_1_bn (BatchNormal  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block9_1_conv[0][0]']    
 ization)                       128)                                                              
 conv5_block9_1_relu (Activatio  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block9_1_bn[0][0]']      
 n)                             128)                                                              
 conv5_block9_2_conv (Conv2D)   (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block9_1_relu[0][0]']    
 conv5_block9_concat (Concatena  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block8_concat[0][0]',    
 te)                            800)                              'conv5_block9_2_conv[0][0]']    
 conv5_block10_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3200       ['conv5_block9_concat[0][0]']    
 lization)                      800)                                                              
 conv5_block10_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block10_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            800)                                                              
 conv5_block10_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   102400      ['conv5_block10_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block10_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block10_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block10_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block10_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block10_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block10_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block10_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block9_concat[0][0]',    
 ate)                           832)                              'conv5_block10_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block11_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3328       ['conv5_block10_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      832)                                                              
 conv5_block11_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block11_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            832)                                                              
 conv5_block11_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   106496      ['conv5_block11_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block11_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block11_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block11_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block11_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block11_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block11_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block11_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block10_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           864)                              'conv5_block11_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block12_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3456       ['conv5_block11_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      864)                                                              
 conv5_block12_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block12_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            864)                                                              
 conv5_block12_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   110592      ['conv5_block12_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block12_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block12_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block12_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block12_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block12_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block12_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block12_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block11_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           896)                              'conv5_block12_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block13_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3584       ['conv5_block12_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      896)                                                              
 conv5_block13_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block13_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            896)                                                              
 conv5_block13_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   114688      ['conv5_block13_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block13_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block13_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block13_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block13_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block13_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block13_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block13_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block12_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           928)                              'conv5_block13_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block14_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3712       ['conv5_block13_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      928)                                                              
 conv5_block14_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block14_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            928)                                                              
 conv5_block14_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   118784      ['conv5_block14_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block14_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block14_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block14_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block14_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block14_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block14_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block14_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block13_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           960)                              'conv5_block14_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block15_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3840       ['conv5_block14_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      960)                                                              
 conv5_block15_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block15_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            960)                                                              
 conv5_block15_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   122880      ['conv5_block15_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block15_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block15_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block15_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block15_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block15_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block15_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block15_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block14_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           992)                              'conv5_block15_2_conv[0][0]']   
 conv5_block16_0_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   3968       ['conv5_block15_concat[0][0]']   
 lization)                      992)                                                              
 conv5_block16_0_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block16_0_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            992)                                                              
 conv5_block16_1_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   126976      ['conv5_block16_0_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block16_1_bn (BatchNorma  (None, None, None,   512        ['conv5_block16_1_conv[0][0]']   
 lization)                      128)                                                              
 conv5_block16_1_relu (Activati  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block16_1_bn[0][0]']     
 on)                            128)                                                              
 conv5_block16_2_conv (Conv2D)  (None, None, None,   36864       ['conv5_block16_1_relu[0][0]']   
 conv5_block16_concat (Concaten  (None, None, None,   0          ['conv5_block15_concat[0][0]',   
 ate)                           1024)                             'conv5_block16_2_conv[0][0]']   
 bn (BatchNormalization)        (None, None, None,   4096        ['conv5_block16_concat[0][0]']   
 relu (Activation)              (None, None, None,   0           ['bn[0][0]']                     
 global_average_pooling2d (Glob  (None, 1024)        0           ['relu[0][0]']                   
 dense (Dense)                  (None, 14)           14350       ['global_average_pooling2d[0][0]'
Total params: 7,051,854
Trainable params: 6,968,206
Non-trainable params: 83,648

1.3. Predict vals using DenseNet Model

predicted_vals = model_obj.predict_2d(**kwargs)
Received kwargs: {'test_generator': <keras.preprocessing.image.DataFrameIterator object at 0x15ee0a390>, 'labels': ['Cardiomegaly', 'Emphysema', 'Effusion', 'Hernia', 'Infiltration', 'Mass', 'Nodule', 'Atelectasis', 'Pneumothorax', 'Pleural_Thickening', 'Pneumonia', 'Fibrosis', 'Edema', 'Consolidation'], 'pos_weights': array([0.98 , 0.987, 0.872, 0.998, 0.825, 0.955, 0.946, 0.894, 0.962,
       0.979, 0.99 , 0.986, 0.984, 0.967]), 'neg_weights': array([0.02 , 0.013, 0.128, 0.002, 0.175, 0.045, 0.054, 0.106, 0.038,
       0.021, 0.01 , 0.014, 0.016, 0.033])}

/Users/abhilashdhal/AIMedicine/src/utils/ UserWarning: `Model.predict_generator` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use `Model.predict`, which supports generators.
  predicted_vals = model.predict_generator(test_generator, steps=len(test_generator))
2024-04-06 13:21:59.504202: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/] [/device:CPU:0] (DEBUG INFO) Executor start aborting (this does not indicate an error and you can ignore this message): INVALID_ARGUMENT: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder/_0' with dtype int32
	 [[{{node Placeholder/_0}}]]
2024-04-06 13:21:59.533483: W tensorflow/tsl/platform/profile_utils/] Failed to get CPU frequency: 0 Hz

2. Evaluation and Interpretation

2.1. Model Prediction Performance

import random
random.seed(a=None, version=2)
auc_rocs = model_obj.cs.get_roc_curve(labels, predicted_vals, test_generator)


2.2. Model Interpretation

One of the challenges of using deep learning in medicine is that the complex architecture used for neural networks makes them much harder to interpret compared to traditional machine learning models (e.g. linear models). One of the most common approaches aimed at increasing the interpretability of models for computer vision tasks is to use Class Activation Maps (CAM).

# only show the labels with top 4 AUC
labels_to_show = np.take(labels, np.argsort(auc_rocs)[::-1])[:4]
model_obj.cs.compute_gradcam(model_2d, img='00008270_015.png', image_dir=DATA_DIR_2D, df=train_df, labels=labels, selected_labels=labels_to_show, W = 320, H=320)
1/1 [==============================] - 1s 766ms/step
Loading original image
Generating gradcam for class Cardiomegaly
Generating gradcam for class Mass
Generating gradcam for class Pneumothorax
Generating gradcam for class Edema


img_ex = '00011355_002.png'
model_obj.cs.compute_gradcam(model_2d, img=img_ex, image_dir=DATA_DIR_2D, df=train_df, labels=labels, selected_labels=labels_to_show, W = 320, H=320)
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 102ms/step
Loading original image
Generating gradcam for class Cardiomegaly
Generating gradcam for class Mass
Generating gradcam for class Pneumothorax
Generating gradcam for class Edema
